1. Want to know more about me?
I am a pediatric occupational therapist, parent educator and a mom to two young boys. I am passionate about helping parents raise happy and smart children. I will help you feel competent, supported and inspired as we go through this parenting roller coaster.
If you are curious about my background and how I came to do what I do, check out my about page.

2. Looking for ideas on brain boosting play ideas that you can do with your child?
Look no further. If you are a parent, carer or a professional working with young children I’ve got you covered. The resources covered here promote developmental skills that aim at building strong and healthy bodies and minds. All of this while giving you the peace of mind knowing that you are doing all you can to raise happy and smart kids.

3. What you should do next no matter what
Grab this FREE eBook called Essential strategies to raising happy & confident kids.
This document provides you with strategies that will help you feel confident in your parenting while giving your child the essential skills needed for their learning.
Grabbing this document also allows you to join my Sensory Lifestyle community. Which means every other week you will get a short and inspiring email with parenting tips and brain boosting play ideas for your child.