Activities for Kids at home: NO equipment needed

5 min read
As we are all practicing physical distancing and spending more time at home it’s important to remember that our kids need to keep moving. As an occupational therapist I can see first hand the benefits of movement for our kiddos. This is why I want to give you some more ideas of activities for your kids that you can do at home.
Sometimes you just don’t have any energy to set anything up for your kids. I get it. Other times you don’t have the equipment to complete a specific activity. I get it.
I have put together a post which includes indoor movement activities that require NO EQUIPMENT.
Why do we need to keep our kids moving?
Keeping kids moving strengthens their sensory systems which helps to strengthen their body and keeps their mind organized and ready to learn.
Activities for kids at home
Chasing Log rolls

How to Play?
Find a space in your house where your kiddo can safely roll around.
Have your kiddo and you lay down on the floor next to each other. Then, let your kiddo start rolling forward. Give them few seconds then you start rolling. Your goal is to catch your kiddo by the time they reach the finish line. Next, switch and have your kiddo catch you.
Why is this activity great for your child?
Rolling helps to strengthen their core which is the anchor for everything we do. It helps with stability during movement and stability while being still.
Paint the house

How to play?
Have your child pretend that their foot, elbow or hand is a paintbrush.
Then, have them walk around the house and paint it. Make sure they crawl underneath tables, chairs. Stand on the couch, bed and paint that wall. Get them to stand on tip toes to paint up high.
If their foot is the paintbrush they will need to lay down on the floor and figure out how to paint the walls etc.
Why is this activity great for your child?
Crawling strengthens their shoulders, neck and eyes which are very important for reading and writing.
Standing on uneven surfaces such as couches and beds as well as standing on their tip toes works on strengthening their balance.
If they are painting with their foot there will be working on their motor planning. Motor planning is the ability to create an idea, plan an action and execute that action. It is a complex process that requires cognitive thought, sensory input and a motor action.
Let’s Boogie

How to play?
Simply put on your kiddo’s favorite music and have a dance party or a dance contest. During the dance contest you and your kiddo take turns in coming up with some fun moves to make the other person laugh.
Why is this activity great for your child?
Another great motor planning activity. As your child tries to do different moves they will be figuring out different ways to move their body. They will also be working on their coordination and balance.
Rough & Tumble

How to play?
Before you start to rumble it is best to discuss rules.
Game Rules
- No pulling on head or neck
- If someone says stop the other person needs to stop
- Everyone needs to have fun
What happens when the child gets over stimulated?
This is the time to stop and do something calming to slow down the body.
Some examples can include practicing deep breathing or giving your child some deep pressure through a bear hug and slow & rhythmic rocking in your lap.
Why is this activity great for your child?
It improves body awareness which is needed to develop fine and gross motor skills.
It also strengthens their coordination, balance and organizes their mind.
Push the statue over

How to play?
Get yourself on hands and knees. Hold on tight and get your kiddo to push you down. Provide some resistance to get those muscles stronger but also let them win.
Switch for extra fun.
Why is this activity great for your child?
It strengthens your child’s body and improves their body awareness.
It also helps to organize your child’s mind.
How to play?
Have your child pick their favorite nursery rhyme and then act it out.
Why is this activity great for your child?
It is a great way to practice motor planning. Motor planning is the ability to create an idea, plan an action and execute that action. It is a complex process that requires cognitive thought, sensory input and a motor action.
Growing seed
How to play?
Have your child pretend they are a tiny seed. They can do that by curling themselves up and making their body really small.
Then slowly have them make themselves as tall as they can. They can become a flower or another plant they like.
For variety you can have them jump up and make themselves into a flower really quickly.
Why is this activity great for your child?
This activity is great for balance and coordination.
Push down the wall

How to play?
Have your child stand next to the wall and try to push it up with their hands or their back.
You can make it very dramatic and say “Oh no, the walls are falling down. Quickly… we need to hold them up”. After few minutes of pretending and playing you can say “Oh good… we did it! Yay!”
Why is this activity great for your child?
This is great for strengthening their core, shoulders & arms. Very beneficial for all the fine motor tasks they do.
Simon says
How to play?
Most of you are probably familiar with this game but if you are not then here are some instructions.
One person is the leader “Simon”. The leader provides others with an instruction of a physical movement that they have to do. It has to be introduced with the phrase of “Simon says”. For example “Simon says jump 3 times” or “Simon says stand on 1 leg and stick out your tongue”.
The kids have to do the movement unless the leader does not include the “Simon says” phrase. Then, they wait for the next “Simon says” instruction.
Why is this activity great for your child?
It’s a great listening and motor planning game. The motor planning skills allow your child figure out how to move their body to complete the required task.
Lava floor
How to play?
This game requires a little imagination.
You tell your child that the floor is Hot Lava. They have to get to the other side of the room without touching the floor. Depending which room you play in there should be lots of climbing and jumping.
If your child is having a hard time imagining the floor being lava you can put a blanket on the floor to help them visualizing it.
Why is this activity great for your child?
It will strengthen their balance, coordination and their motor planning skills.
Jumping over puddles

How to play?
Another visualization game. This is simpler than the lava floor so it may be good to start with this.
Simply tell your child that there are puddles all around the house. They don’t have their rain boots on so they have to jump over them without getting wet.
Why is this activity great for your child?
A fun way to practice balance skills.
Animal Walks

How to play?
Have your child walk around the house while pretending to be various animals. Some examples include doing:
- Bear walk
- Crab walk
- Seal walk
- Elephant walk
For variety have your child doing the various walks while changing their speed. For example lets crawl like a bear really slowly. You can also say now crawl like a seal really fast. Depending on your child’s energy you can alternate between doing the movements slowly or quickly.
Why is this activity great for your child?
Animals walks are great in strengthening your kids body. They strengthen their core, shoulder, hands, neck and eyes. This is important for development of their motor skills needed for sports or school work.
Human statue

How to play?
Have you child choose a piece of furniture around the house. Then, tell them to make their body look like that furniture piece. Count together to see if they can stay still in that position for the count of 10.
Why is this activity great for your child?
Strengthening all body muscles, balance & coordination.
Hope you and your child enjoy these fun games. If you are looking for more ideas make sure to download my Roll a Dice Movement Game. It includes more games with either no equipment or simple items that you can find in your home.
Have fun playing!
~ Urszula