Why is a Sensory Lifestyle important?

3 min read
Sensory ~ A word often used by Occupational Therapists (OT) when referring to a part of child development. This word is now becoming popular outside of my profession. I hear it from all my mommy friends and parents which I meet at playgrounds. Everyone keeps talking about the need to do sensory activities with their babies. A sensory lifestyle is a must but how? Keep reading to find out more.
Fantastic news, but not so fast
The spread of a need for sensory activities in our community is great. But keep a weary ear on the context and application of these activities. Each child is an individual and has a unique sensory profile.
Let’s take an example: making tactile activities such as sensory bags or sensory boxes. Some children might be able to jump straight in and explore the various textures. However, some might be sensitive to various textures. These children require guidance and grading of the tactile input. So the lesson is, know your child, never push an activity onto them but also educate yourself. Hopefully this website will be able to provide you with all the needed information to provide your child with best sensory activities.
Did you live a Sensory Lifestyle?
When I think about my childhood I remember being outside running around with my friends until dusk. My favorite activity included playing ‘shop’. My girlfriends and I would play for hours. Gathering leaves to use as currency. Adding water to sand to create different products to ‘sell’. This is just one of many activities which I enjoyed. Others included getting dirty, climbing trees and playing on the playground structures. These type of activities is what makes a Sensory Lifestyle. What were your favorite childhood activities?

Sensory Lifestyle while living with technology
Times have changed. Technology has engraved into our culture. It is a part of everything we do. It has also lead children to became more sedentary with their preferred activities. Parents feel more pressure to get their kids out to play outside. Finding a balance can be stressful and overwhelming.
But it is possible. And I will show you how.
A well developed sensory system is essential for your child’s development. My goal with this blog is to provide you with information about all our senses. I will also provide you with activity ideas. Activities which you can encourage your children to do. And in time, they will go back and play like we used to when we were children.
Providing your children with the opportunity to strengthen their senses will support their development. Having a sensory lifestyle is not only for kids with sensory processing disorders. Sensory experiences should be part of everyone’s day. Every day. They are done through play. Play is what your child loves to do and meant to do.
Play is an essential part of a child’s development. As children interact with their physical environment they use their sensory systems. Sensations are like ‘food’ for the nervous system. Without a good supply of diverse sensations the nervous system cannot develop to it’s maximum potential. Thus, functioning in the everyday life can become challenging. Learn how to avoid this and help your child start on the right foot.

Higher level cognitive activities like reading, writing and play are a result of a well integrated sensory system. The sooner you start the foundational building skills the better. Foundations are pivotal to your child’s success. If you start the process early, you will be helping your child develop coordinated bodies and strong minds. Welcome to living a sensory lifestyle.
If you want to know more about my background and where to go next check out my ‘About Page‘.
~ Urszula